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Silent Siren:  Memoirs of a Life-Saving Mortician


ISBN-13: 978-1475133073 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 1475133073


Paramedics save lives. Morticians bury their mistakes – or so goes the common wisdom. A 23-year veteran of emergency medical services, paramedic Matthew Sias took a detour in his career eight years ago to pursue the death care business and found a complementarity between two seemingly divergent careers. Silent Siren: Memoirs of a Life Saving Mortician is the record of some of the more memorable calls he has responded to in both capacities. Often intense, at times gruesome, and frequently humorous, this memoir puts you in the back seat of medic unit racing to the hospital with a trauma patient as well as in the brightly lit embalming room of a funeral home, and many places in between. The ability to calmly assist a person in crisis is, perhaps, one of life’s most awesome privileges.

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